Self-motivated and aspiring Java Backend Developer, Collaborative team player who is proficient in working with interdisciplinary teams and executing goal-oriented projects. Has 1200+ hours of hands-on experience in creating ready-to-use apps, Looking for a challenging role in a growth-oriented organization.
This is a basic weather project and it is a indcidual project In this project user can find the weather for particular location by pincode and date when user pass the pincode and date project will return the weather details like - temperature , min_temperaturee, max_temperature, wind details, sunrise, sunset etc.
This was a console base project. It is project where user can register your problems and there is a engineer who solve this problem and every engineer will be assigned by HOD. Engineer will able to see all assign problems and custoemr also able to see your problem status and engineer will able to change their problem status.
This is the game of Rock , Scissor and paper where two player exist one is computer and second is user user can pass the Rock/scissor/paper and computer automatically generate your value and then project compares both values and return the winner result based on the game rules.
A brand of choice for the women of today! And sugarCosmatic ensure that you have a lot of fun with our makeup.sugarcasmeticis carefully curate products from around the globe which meet every want and need there could possibly be when it comes to your makeup and skincare regime. sugarcasmetic believe in every interpretation of beauty!